After a crazy, fun-filled summer of being outside in the warmth and sunshine, it is finally time for the kids to go back to school and we get serious about preparing our chimneys for the winter. Waiting until the cooler fall months to schedule your appointment is what everyone one else is doing…and is simply prolonging a necessary act.
Why is it so important?
As you use your chimney, there is a buildup that develops from the burning logs, a combination of smoke, gas, and other byproducts that combine to create a gross layer on the inside of your chimney. As the winter months pass by, the buildup continues to grow as staying warm and cozy in front of the fireplace seems very much a priority. After winter passes, it rarely is of any importance to us to get that layer that has developed over time, removed. Having a professional inspect and sweep your chimney of the buildup will not only give you peace of mind for the upcoming winter, it will ensure that the condition of your chimney’s anatomy is up to date. Don’t trust just any handyman, you need a certified professional to search for possible issues. It is especially useful if you use the same company repeatedly, they will notice those small changes that could save you big bucks down the road.
Why do I have to have it checked before fall?
Besides avoiding the inevitable rush to catch up on missed repairs before it gets too cold, having your chimney inspected before the fall months is ideal for those that want to get a fire up and running the second it gets a little nip in the air. We don’t recommend using your system after an extended period of absence without getting it checked first. Though, making an appointment during our busiest time of the year means waiting a turn while we make the rounds. New homeowners should also take heed. Without records of the last chimney inspection, it could have been years since the last sweeping and inspection.
What is the process?
Once you make an appointment, we will try to service your chimney as soon as possible. We will inspect the entire system for buildup, cracks, and deterioration. We will advise you of what you can do that will prolong the health of your chimney.
Unfortunately, most people only think about getting their chimney inspected and cleaned when they start to feel the weather changing. You’re already more informed for reading this blog post! Make an appointment online or give us a call.