Avoid Acidic Byproducts in Your Furnace

Do you own an oil furnace? If so, you likely have an oil technician come in regularly to check things over. This is a great idea and will benefit you down the line. However, many homeowners feel that this inspection is sufficient for maintaining their oil furnace and...

What the Cold Winter Can Do to Your Chimney

Let’s face it: our winters lately have had no shortage of freezing and thawing cycles, snow-covered rooftops, and resulting damage to chimneys. In spite of Mother Nature’s annual winter barrage, many people continue to overlook the need for chimney system maintenance....

Indoor Air Pollutants

All of us face a variety of risks to our health as we go about our day-to-day lives. Driving in cars, flying in airplanes, engaging in recreational activities, and being exposed to environmental pollutants all pose a certain degree of inherent risk. Some of these...