Well, the weather is getting nice and temperatures are starting to rise! With spring in the air and summer just around the corner, many homeowners are dusting off their grills. Grilling up hot dogs, steaks, burgers, and more is an ideal way to spend a warm evening, and there’s no doubt that everyone loves a good barbecue!
Yet, before you kick off your first backyard get-together, we encourage you to check out these grill safety tips. Staying safe and keeping loved ones in good health is always a priority, and the staff at Clean Sweep of Anne Arundel cares about the well-being of our customers. Read up, then enjoy your summer to the fullest!
Clean Your Grill
Before you get started on anything, be sure you thoroughly clean your grill. Take it apart, wipe down all of the parts separately, and be sure that the grates get scrubbed with the appropriate brush. Make sure to remove grease build up from the grates and trays of the grill. All too often, grill fires begin because the grill was not properly cleaned. Why take the risk? Clean yours today.
And remember – experts will recommend around three cleanings per year. If you grill a lot, more is suggested! Food can easily slip down into the appliance, and – let’s face it – you can never be too careful when it comes to keeping everything safe for regular use.
Check Your Tank
If you own a gas grill, be sure to check on your tank and all of your hose connections before each use. If anything seems loose, tighten it up to ensure that no gas can seep out. Also, if you detect a leak, this should obviously be addressed before lighting anything up, and you should have your appliance serviced before taking further action.
Smell Gas?
If you smell gas at all, turn off your grill immediately. If the smell goes away and the leak appears to stop, call in a professional to service your grill before firing it back up again. If the leak continues, call the fire department to assess the situation. You’ll want to stay away from the grill and should not attempt to move it until given the all clear.
Other Tips
Some other things to keep in mind? Never use your grill indoors, keep it away from anything that could be potentially flammable such as deck railings, patio umbrella or low hanging branches. Never let pets or children near the grilling area. We also want to emphasize that you should never, under any circumstances, leave the grill unattended.
Clean Sweep Of Anne Arundel County knows all about fire safety and keeping your home as safe as possible. That’s why people in this area trust in us for all of their chimney inspection, maintenance, and repair needs! Feel free to give us a call with any questions or concerns you may be facing with your furnace, fireplace or wood stove- we are more than happy to help!
To learn more about services, visit us online or call us at 410-590-4800. We look forward to hearing from you!