It’s a common misconception. Many with a gas fireplace assume that, because gas burns so much cleaner and more efficiently than wood, it doesn’t require yearly services and inspections.
The truth is that, no matter which type of fuel type you use to operate your fireplace, annual inspections are always a must! Based on recommendations by the International Residential Code (IRC), as well as nationally recognized organizations like the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), this is a vital step for ensuring optimum efficiency and safer functioning all year round.
The truth is that, no matter which type of fuel type you use to operate your fireplace, annual inspections are always a must! Based on recommendations by the International Residential Code (IRC), as well as nationally recognized organizations like the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), this is a vital step for ensuring optimum efficiency and safer functioning all year round.

Along with this, virtually all manufacturers require this step. So, if you’re questioning whether or not you need to get your inspection booked, the answer is… yes! Give us a call and get it on the books now, so you’re all set and ready to go when temps drop this fall.
What Does a Gas Appliance Inspection Consist Of?
So, what can you expect from our team during your gas fireplace inspection? Well, first we’ll dismantle your logs. We’ll then clean, inspect, and vacuum them, all the while ensuring everything is looking good and in working order.
Then, we’ll check out the burner. This means looking over the thermocouple, the thermopile, the standing pilot light, and the electronic ignition. These are all checked out with the appropriate meters and measuring tools. We’ll make sure everything is functioning appropriately and working in the right range per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Any electronic components associated with the appliance like a wall switch or remote control? We’ll check the continuity with those, too.
The venting system will also need a thorough overview. We’ll use a camera to get a 360 degree view of the entire interior. Whether your system runs through a wall and out the side of your home, through a pipe or chimney, or through an interior wall and out the roof, we’ll thoroughly examine the vent system and take photos as we go along.
What do we look for during your inspection? We’ll keep an eye out for clogs, poor connections, gaps, and any other separations that could lead to carbon monoxide leaks or inefficiency.
On top of all that, we’ll check the system for proper clearances, do a leak and pressure check, inspect and sweep the blower, brush and vacuum the firebox, and ensure the overall operation of the appliance is in tip top shape.
As for the parts that are exposed on the outside of the home, like your termination cap or any piping or chimney coming out the roof or side of the home, we’ll examine them and take pics during the inspection process, so you’ll be able to see everything for yourself when we’re done.
And once our inspection is done, we’ll set everything back up to factory standards. The logs will be stacked right, so that they burn correctly, and our licensed technicians will write a condition-of-findings report on one of our company iPads. We’ll then go over the report and pictures with you, so you have peace of mind knowing everything has been checked out and is in good working order. We’ll also e-mail you a copy, so you can review at your leisure anytime you’d like!
In the end, you never want to begin a new burning season without an examination from a qualified Gas Certified technician. Your household deserves the very best – be sure to turn to the pros at Clean Sweep of Anne Arundel County for the care you need!
Always Use Certified Professional
Now, one thing is certain when investing in this type of chimney care – hiring someone experienced, dedicated, and educated is vital!
Carbon monoxide can be a real threat when things aren’t operating correctly with your gas fireplace, and there only needs to be a small gap or crack for this poisonous substance to leak into your household. Carbon monoxide can be extremely damaging to one’s health – even fatal – and it’s next to impossible to detect due it’s colorless, odorless nature.
Needless to say, you want someone on the job who knows their stuff to ensure nothing is missed and you’re not at risk!
The techs here at Clean Sweep of Anne Arundel County are certified chimney specialists with the CSIA, and we’re National Fireplace Institute (NFI)-certified gas service technicians, too. Combine that with over 40 years of experience and a commitment to customer satisfaction, and you have a team you can feel confident in with every passing season!
Give Us a Call Today
The first day of fall is just around the corner, and we’d love to do everything we can to set you up right for the cooler months ahead. Give us a call at 410-590-4800 to set up your next appointment.
Don’t own a gas appliance? We’d still love to help! Reach out for your sweepings, inspections, flue liner or masonry repairs, chimney caps or chimney chase covers, and more!