by Chuck Roydhouse | Apr 18, 2019 | Chimney Damage
Sure, tasty crabs and beautiful coastlines define Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic area, but our geography and weather is also unique to us. Unfortunately, it’s not always a good thing. This becomes especially clear when you look at the common types of chimney...
by Chuck Roydhouse | Sep 11, 2018 | Chimney Damage
Cold weather brings about many challenges. Icy roads can make driving more difficult, driveways and sidewalks must be shoveled out regularly, and there are a lot of things you have to do to throughout the home, such as add insulation, tune up your furnace, and more....
by Linda Roydhouse | Aug 5, 2018 | Chimney Damage
When it comes to your wood stove, fireplace, furnace and chimney, it’s important to ensure all parts are well-maintained and functioning great, so you can enjoy with peace of mind your home heating appliance during the winter months. There are some issues you simply...
by Chuck Roydhouse | Mar 9, 2017 | Chimney Damage
Chimney health is important, which means, if your home has a chimney, you’ll want to prepare for all types of weather. Whether it’s rain, sleet, snow, or ice, excess water is never good for your brickwork and can call for expensive chimney repairs down the line....
by Chuck Roydhouse | Aug 15, 2016 | Chimney Damage
When it comes to your home and your chimney, few things are more damaging than water. So if you have noticed signs of a leaking chimney — water or rust in your fireplace, woodstove or thimble, sagging ceilings or stained wallboard adjacent to your chimney, or...
by Chuck Roydhouse | May 12, 2016 | Chimney Damage, chimney inspection, Chimneys
If you have an older chimney, discoloration can be easy to dismiss as a natural part of the aging process. If your chimney is turning colors, however, it usually indicates a larger problem. The exact shade of chimney discoloration usually provides a decent indication...